Our youngest son, Graham, born 8-Mar-92. Absolutely daft on soccer, and a natural
left footer, taking after my dad.
Pictures from Graham's 6th birthday on 8-Mar-98, showing some of his
presents, and the kids with the birthday cake. |
Graham's indoor soccer team. He's showing to be quite good, and it's
obvious he's played a lot more than the others. |
Graham's team had a pool party at Bruce Kerr's, the coach, house. They
were all given little trophies. |
The soccer photo is from the annual Jamboree - kids playing soccer everywhere.
I spent most of the weekend helping out in the uniform sales stall. Man,
was it busy! Graham wanted to dress up as a devil for Halloween, so here
he is. This is actually taken at school. |
The one on the left is a photo from our first day in the apartment, 1-Nov-1997.
Don't know why I never put it up before. The one on the right is quite quite
recent. He looks totally wasted for some reason. |
Graham's seventh birthday, his second in America. |
I don't think any further comment is possible... |
The one on the left is his 2nd grade school photo. In the fall he played
with Westside Warriors, the younger equivalent of the Westside Metros that
Colin plays with. They pretty much walked through all the opposition... |
Graham's 1st Communion, pictured with Father Les from St. Anthony's in
Graham's 9th birthday. He's just had the last tightening of his braces
and they should be coming off in the next couple of months.