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Yikes, has it really been almost 5 weeks since the last entry?!? So much time, so little to do. Stop, reverse that.
There has been a fair amount happening over the past few weeks. We've found a house we're interested in, and are negotiating now on a deal. Not the best house we've seen, not the best area we've seen, and not the best schools we've seen, but it's the best balance of a good house in a good area with good schools. You can check out the realtor.com or rmls.com picture and I'll put up some internal shots if we get it. Don't want to tempt fate, etc. We've heard from our mortgage broker that the mortgage has been approved with no problems, so that means we now owe lots of money. Err, I think that's good....
Work finally sees me clear of the City of Salem job, although I have a feeling I haven't seen the last of that place. I wouldn't be averse to going back, as long as it's as an Oracle consultant. I start with Oracle on Monday (14-Jun-99), and the first thing that's happening is that I'm heading off to head office for some training on Application Web Server. Fabby! I'm really excited about this new job, and I've been looking forward to it for some time. As to where I'll be after the first week, who knows? So many possibilitites have been mentioned that I'm no longer going to speculate. Put them all in the hat and pull one at random.
Other than that, not much has been going on. Played some soccer, reffed some soccer (got paid $40 for 2 games - woohoo!) The Acquire game I was running has ended, finally, so only the HotW game to finish. After these are done I'm taking a break from running games, as I need the time for other things, like setting up the LOSC web-site, plus I'm probably going to be away a lot more.
Cathy hasn't much new either that isn't covered above. She's still at the library and school during the week. She's spent a lot of time over the past few weeks looking for houses on the net and investigating the various areas.
Colin had his try-outs for the Classic soccer and didn't make it into the B team. Oh, well. He seems to have a good coach, from what I can tell from speaking to him and what Colin says, plus he's in with a lot of his friends, so it's maybe no bad thing. School seems to be going ok, and he's still geting HoT tickets most weeks.
Cathy and I decided to get Graham and a few other kids together to enter a team into a 3v3 soccer tournament. As Colin will be trining and playing soccer throughout the summer we thought it would keep Graham upsides with him. This is next weekend (19/20th), and I'm also reffing there. (There are soccer tournaments virtually every weekend over the summer.) We had a practice yesterday, but due to the heat we kept it to 45 minutes. The other thing is that he is currently Mr. Toothless, both his top, front two teeth having come out. The second was helped by Colin, or rather his elbow, when they were both playing soccer. Of course the tooth is lost somewhere in the grass. Must get a picture of him in his current state.
Catriona is still just tooting about. Cathy has a meeting with the special advisor at school to discuss her, although we have been hearing a lot of stories about the teacher, from kids and parents, about the things he does. Let's just say that we're not exactly impressed with his teaching (as are several other parents). She did show some interest in music and taking up an instrument, but no movement so far.