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A busy week with lots happening. Lets start with the kids. They all finished school this week for the summer break. Almost 3 months of holidays - can Cath cope without going totally loopy? Before they broke up though, they were all issued with report cards. Colin had a very good report. He scored higher than 99% of all others for reading/comprehension (English) and higher than 93% of the others for math (as they say here). We're not sure if that's just for Oregon on the whole nation, but either way that's pretty good. He's also working above the 5th grade math level, which is not bad considering he's still in 4th grade. If only we can get him to complete his assignments on time...
Catriona is just... Catriona. Doing well in literacy and writing development, although she does tend to toot along at her own pace. She's also coming on in math, scoring higher than 79% of others in the national tests. Most satisfactory all round.
Graham has also been improving, although he would have been further along in Scotland. They don't seem to want to teach the kids to read and write too quickly here, so that Graham still isn't reading or writing. Not unexpectedly he 'excells (sic) on the playground, but sometimes experiences difficulty in managing an appropriate level of physical behaviour such as pushing'. Aye, that sounds like Graham! It's a pity they don't have soccer on the report card, as he'd definitely get an A+.
On the housing front things have gone well. We decided to go for Chris' house and, having spoken to the management company, submitted the application. We were concerned that our lack of history here might go against us. I spoke to the agent involved and outlined our position. Luckily she was happy to accept a letter from our previous mortgage lenders and resume/letters of reference from employers as proof of employment history. The long and the short of it is that we're in! So, from 15-Aug we'll be moving into a house. It's a good move for us, only $100/month more, but with a yard, double garage, just 2 minutes from the school (with soccer field and adventure playground), and with school friends all around. Colin and Graham will be able to play soccer to their hearts' content. It will hopefully keep Cath sane as well!
This past weekend was rather busy for me - by 2pm on the Saturday I had watched 3 games of World Cup soccer and played for about a couple of hours as well! I did quite well, scored a couple of goals, assisted on a couple, stopped a few on defense, and made some good moves. A very enjoyable way to spend a Saturday morning!
Also this weekend, on the Sunday, we went round to the Keatings' for a barbecue. A most pleasant day was had by all, just sitting around, drinking beer and chatting, watching the Bulls win the NBA crown and then we went out to play some soccer ourselves, us against them, the whole families getting involved, except Catriona who went off to the playground. We won, 11-3, with Colin scoring 5, Graham 4 and myself 2. Really pleased to see both Colin and Graham playing with such determination and good play sense. One goal especially had Colin win the ball move up the wing and cut it back for Graham following up in the middle. Superb! Yep, a good day. The Keatings are really nice people and good friends.
I've seen most of the World Cup games and very entertaining it has been too. Scotland have played well (everyone I've spoken to here has said they were unlucky to lose against Brazil), and there have been some entertaining games. I took another day off today (Tuesday) to watch the Scotland game against Norway. A most satisfactory result, and gives them a chance, depending on the result this afternoon. As long as Morocco don't beat Brazil, which I don't see happening, that will leave the winner of Scotland against Morocco to go through. Assuming, again, that Norway don't beat Brazil, which is most unlikely. Could Scotland actually do it?
Workwise, I had my 6 month review with CPI. They get feedback from the current client, and in about 30 categories, 1 being good, 5 bad, I was given all 1s. Most pleasing. CPI are happy with what I'm doing for them, and I'm happy doing what I do.
Other than that things are fairly quiet. The weather is steadily improving and getting warmer all the time. We still have a touch of rain here and there, but it's not much.
Out in the big wide world I haven't been paying mmuch attention to what's going on. With taking so much time to watch the World Cup I've had to make up quite a few hours, and getting to bed early to watch the 0530 games. Boy, that's early for me!
Right, that's all for this week, see you next time!